JumpSeat Reduces NRTC’s Help Desk Tickets by 50%

Who is NRTC?
The National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) is a consortium that helps members deliver advanced technology solutions across rural America. Since 1986, NRTC has been member-driven and technology-focused, offering comprehensive solutions from broadband services in rural areas to making smart grids more efficient.
The Issue at Hand
NRTC partners with downstream resellers who handle customer-facing support tasks of all sorts. The issue arose when NRTC’s channel partners were receiving more support tasks than they could handle with the current training process in place. Training consisted of taking screenshots, putting them in PowerPoint, annotating said PowerPoint, then exporting it. As you can imagine, these materials would rapidly become out of date. NRTC tried other software, but they were either excessively expensive, required knowledge of HTML, or were not open source. With an average of at least 15 new channel sellers per year and an influx of support requests at the onset, this process was not even remotely sustainable. Without an efficient, effective and permanent solution to digital adoption, NRTC’s growth would be stagnated.

Enter: JumpSeat
Then, JumpSeat entered the picture. We enable enterprise businesses to use the software at the heart of their operation faster. In NRTC’s case, now all the support agent has to do when resolving a support ticket is type a few words that translate to a command. Instead of giving the resellers a generic PDF, representatives can now send them a link showing them how to complete each task in detail, decreasing time on task and increasing ease. Hand-holding time has been reduced from minutes to seconds. Customer interactions are now more fluid. NRTC can offer assistance around the clock, regardless of time zone. Thanks to JumpSeat’s in-app guidance tools, employees don’t need another human to be available to assist them or answer questions. Their process of resolving support tickets is more streamlined than ever before.
A Single Pane of Glass
JumpSeat has proven to be the single turnkey solution that NRTC desperately needed, solving onboarding, support and collaboration delays. When NRTC is using JumpSeat, they are better able to provide broadband internet, managed services, smart grid technology, and mobile and video demands for their customers. With more client-specific guides on the horizon, NRTC’s partnership with JumpSeat will only get better.
Numbers Don’t Lie
JumpSeat has revolutionized NRTC’s operations, as evidenced by the fact that over 70 unique customers within this organization are taking advantage of our product. Now resellers are able to use JumpSeat to support themselves without having to go through NRTC. Check out these statistics to see for yourself.

Do you need support on your support tickets? Reach out to JumpSeat today.
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